About Us

Everyone should be able to have IT that works for them and their business!

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See what we can do for you!

Finding the right person to fulfil your business’ IT needs can be quite difficult, especially if the needs are varied. Traditionally, you would look for different suppliers for your website, network, emails, and so on. We can provide all that for you!

We find it very important to keep up with the latest developments in our industry so we’re always striving to provide the latest and greatest product and service options.

Over the last 5 years, we’ve established ourselves as a trusted service provider for many clients, delivering services including:

  • Running Ushaw College’s IT systems in Durham
  • Hosting website design & development workshops for creative organisations
  • Developed & worked on websites for creative businesses
  • Host and service websites & email services for businesses
  • Providing sales, support and management for Microsoft Cloud services
  • Building and maintaining serious games for health projects to be used in therapy for people with autism
  • Streamlining and automating everyday tasks using the Microsoft Power Platform, and Power Automate
  • Migrating small businesses to a better online workspace like Microsoft 365
  • On a different side of things, we’ve even built headphone cables for people as far away as California! And, for the record, they loved them!

We’d like to be able to work for you too; Contact Us to let us know how we can help!

Meet the directors

Dan Fern

“I’ve always been tinkering with technology but when I was younger, I’d more often than not break anything I took apart. That’s not the case anymore though I’m pleased to say, and it hasn’t been that way for at least 10 years! I went through school mainly wanting to work with servers, but with regular periods of wanting to design & build websites & programs too.

I finished school and went off to University to study Computer Science. Here I am now running a company, 5 years after getting my 1st class degree, doing all the things I’d thought about doing before, and with some more thrown in there too for good measure. I can certainly say, I’m never bored, that’s for sure.”

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